Jenny Sara (10) made this on PowerPoint today, while I was in the shower she came & said to look at her slideshow on the computer when I got out. (It took me a minute to realize the "soup spinny thing" was the "Lazy Susan" lol - I've never called it that because they have an Aunt Susan!) and of course, Sara was hiding in it downstairs ;) What a silly! I couldn't believe she could fit in there!
Jodi "Are you ever going to shave?" "Not until my project is done. I'm having a beard growing contest." "Really? With who?" "With myself. So I'm winning."
JodiThis is the project that never ends. It just goes on and on my friend. Suzi started planning not knowing what it was. And she just keeps on planning it forever just because, it is the project that never ends.....
Jenny Long time no post, as I've somehow lost my memory card for my camera. I've been searching the entire house but no luck! Guess I'll have to break down & buy a new one....
Today we played the "what if" game. What if the world was made of chocolate? What if everything was made of clouds? What if you could travel in time? What if?